Ustawienia cookies

Przegląd prywatności

Ta stro­na inter­ne­to­wa uży­wa pli­ków cookie, aby popra­wić Two­je doświad­cze­nie pod­czas nawi­ga­cji na stro­nie. Spo­śród nich, te ska­te­go­ry­zo­wa­ne jako nie­zbęd­ne są prze­cho­wy­wa­ne w prze­glą­dar­ce użyt­kow­ni­ka i są wyko­rzy­sty­wa­ne do dzia­ła­nia pod­sta­wo­wych funk­cji witryny.

Uży­wa­my rów­nież pli­ków cookie stron trze­cich, któ­re poma­ga­ją nam ana­li­zo­wać i zro­zu­mieć, w jaki spo­sób korzy­stasz z tej stro­ny inter­ne­to­wej. Będą one prze­cho­wy­wa­ne w Two­jej prze­glą­dar­ce tyl­ko za Two­ją zgo­dą i masz moż­li­wość zre­zy­gno­wa­nia z nich. Nato­miast rezy­gna­cja może mieć wpływ na Two­je doświad­cze­nia zwią­za­ne z prze­glą­da­niem strony.
Always Enabled 

Lista cookies

ele­men­torneverThis cookie is used by the websi­te­’s Word­Press the­me. It allows the websi­te owner to imple­ment or chan­ge the websi­te­’s con­tent in real-time.
_​_​cfruidses­sionClo­ud­fla­re sets this cookie to iden­ti­fy tru­sted web traffic.
Opta­non­Con­sent1 yearOne­Trust sets this cookie to sto­re deta­ils abo­ut the site­’s cookie cate­go­ry and check whe­ther visi­tors have given or with­drawn con­sent from the use of each category.
JSESSIONIDses­sionThe JSESSIONID cookie is used by New Relic to sto­re a ses­sion iden­ti­fier so that New Relic can moni­tor ses­sion counts for an application.
Cookie­La­wIn­fo­Con­sent1 yearRecords the default but­ton sta­te of the cor­re­spon­ding cate­go­ry & the sta­tus of CCPA. It works only in coör­di­na­tion with the pri­ma­ry cookie.
cookie­la­win­fo-check­box-adver­ti­se­ment1 yearSet by the GDPR Cookie Con­sent plu­gin, this cookie is used to record the user con­sent for the cookies in the „Adver­ti­se­ment” category .
cookie­la­win­fo-check­box-ana­ly­tics011 mon­thsThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Con­sent plu­gin. The cookie is used to sto­re the user con­sent for the cookies in the cate­go­ry „Ana­ly­tics”.
cookie­la­win­fo-check­box-others011 mon­thsThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Con­sent plu­gin. The cookie is used to sto­re the user con­sent for the cookies in the cate­go­ry „Other.
viewed_​cookie_​policy011 mon­thsThe cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Con­sent plu­gin and is used to sto­re whe­ther or not user has con­sen­ted to the use of cookies. It does not sto­re any per­so­nal data.
cookie­la­win­fo-check­box-neces­sa­ry011 mon­thsThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Con­sent plu­gin. The cookies is used to sto­re the user con­sent for the cookies in the cate­go­ry „Neces­sa­ry”.
cookie­la­win­fo-check­box-func­tio­nal011 mon­thsThe cookie is set by GDPR cookie con­sent to record the user con­sent for the cookies in the cate­go­ry „Func­tio­nal”.
cookie­la­win­fo-check­box-per­for­man­ce011 mon­thsThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Con­sent plu­gin. The cookie is used to sto­re the user con­sent for the cookies in the cate­go­ry „Per­for­man­ce”.
_​_​cf_​bm30 minu­tesThis cookie, set by Clo­ud­fla­re, is used to sup­port Clo­ud­fla­re Bot Management.
langses­sionLin­ke­dIn sets this cookie to remem­ber a use­r’s lan­gu­age setting.
bco­okie1 yearLin­ke­dIn sets this cookie from Lin­ke­dIn sha­re but­tons and ad tags to reco­gni­ze brow­ser ID.
bsco­okie1 yearLin­ke­dIn sets this cookie to sto­re per­for­med actions on the website.
li_​gc5 mon­ths 27 daysLin­ke­din set this cookie for sto­ring visi­to­r’s con­sent regar­ding using cookies for non-essen­tial purposes.
lidc1 dayLin­ke­dIn sets the lidc cookie to faci­li­ta­te data cen­ter selection.
_​calendly_​session21 daysCalen­dly, a Meeting Sche­du­lers, sets this cookie to allow the meeting sche­du­ler to func­tion within the websi­te and to add events into the visitor’s calendar.
_​hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress30 minu­tesHotjar sets this cookie to detect the first page­view ses­sion of a user. This is a True/​False flag set by the cookie.
CONSENT2 yearsYouTu­be sets this cookie via embed­ded youtu­be-vide­os and regi­sters ano­ny­mo­us sta­ti­sti­cal data.
browser_​id5 yearsThis cookie is used for iden­ti­fy­ing the visi­tor brow­ser on re-visit to the website.
_​hjTLDTestses­sionTo deter­mi­ne the most gene­ric cookie path that has to be used inste­ad of the page host­na­me, Hotjar sets the _​hjTLDTest cookie to sto­re dif­fe­rent URL sub­string alter­na­ti­ves until it fails.
_​ga2 yearsThe _​ga cookie, instal­led by Google Ana­ly­tics, cal­cu­la­tes visi­tor, ses­sion and cam­pa­ign data and also keeps track of site usa­ge for the site­’s ana­ly­tics report. The cookie sto­res infor­ma­tion ano­ny­mo­usly and assi­gns a ran­dom­ly gene­ra­ted num­ber to reco­gni­ze uni­que visitors.
_​gid1 dayInstal­led by Google Ana­ly­tics, _​gid cookie sto­res infor­ma­tion on how visi­tors use a websi­te, whi­le also cre­ating an ana­ly­tics report of the websi­te­’s per­for­man­ce. Some of the data that are col­lec­ted inc­lu­de the num­ber of visi­tors, the­ir sour­ce, and the pages they visit anonymously.
_gat_UA-42534679 – 11 minu­teA varia­tion of the _​gat cookie set by Google Ana­ly­tics and Google Tag Mana­ger to allow websi­te owners to track visi­tor beha­vio­ur and measu­re site per­for­man­ce. The pat­tern ele­ment in the name con­ta­ins the uni­que iden­ti­ty num­ber of the acco­unt or websi­te it rela­tes to.
_​gat_​gtag_​UA_​42534679_​11 minu­teSet by Google to distin­gu­ish users.
_​ga_​1ZH359SN0Z2 yearsThis cookie is instal­led by Google Analytics.
_​hjFirstSeen30 minu­tesHotjar sets this cookie to iden­ti­fy a new user’s first ses­sion. It sto­res a true/​false value, indi­ca­ting whe­ther it was the first time Hotjar saw this user.
_​hjIncludedInSessionSample2 minu­tesHotjar sets this cookie to know whe­ther a user is inc­lu­ded in the data sam­pling defi­ned by the site­’s daily ses­sion limit.
_​hjIncludedInPageviewSample2 minu­tesHotjar sets this cookie to know whe­ther a user is inc­lu­ded in the data sam­pling defi­ned by the site­’s page­view limit.
_​fbp3 mon­thsThis cookie is set by Face­bo­ok to display adver­ti­se­ments when either on Face­bo­ok or on a digi­tal plat­form powe­red by Face­bo­ok adver­ti­sing, after visi­ting the website.
YSCses­sionYSC cookie is set by Youtu­be and is used to track the views of embed­ded vide­os on Youtu­be pages.
VISITOR_​INFO1_​LIVE5 mon­ths 27 daysA cookie set by YouTu­be to measu­re ban­dwidth that deter­mi­nes whe­ther the user gets the new or old play­er interface.
yt-remo­te-devi­ce-idneverYouTu­be sets this cookie to sto­re the video pre­fe­ren­ces of the user using embed­ded YouTu­be video.
yt.innertube::requestsneverThis cookie, set by YouTu­be, regi­sters a uni­que ID to sto­re data on what vide­os from YouTu­be the user has seen.
yt.innertube::nextIdneverThis cookie, set by YouTu­be, regi­sters a uni­que ID to sto­re data on what vide­os from YouTu­be the user has seen.
yt-remo­te-con­nec­ted-devi­cesneverYouTu­be sets this cookie to sto­re the video pre­fe­ren­ces of the user using embed­ded YouTu­be video.
_​hjSession_​250747430 minu­tesNo descrip­tion
DEVICE_​INFO5 mon­ths 27 daysNo descrip­tion
m2 yearsNo descrip­tion available.
li_​alerts1 yearNo descrip­tion
_​hjSessionUser_​25074741 yearNo descrip­tion
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